Autor: raulvcruz

  • Comer en nudo negro es una experiencia inigualable que tienes que conocer

    Hace tiempo me comentario de un restaurante ubicado en la Colonia roma, llamado Nudo Negro. La experiencia de comer en Nudo negro es única e inigualable. La experiencia de comer en Nudo Negro Uno no cree que este tipo de fusiones existan hasta que te sientas a comer en Nudo Negro. Desde que llegas a…

  • Dejar de seguir negando lo que soy

    No puedo ni quiero seguir negando lo que soy Como casi todos los bloggers de viaje, mochileros, aventureros y demás términos que nos han dicho, hemos pasado por lo mismo. Todos en algún momento de nuestra vida hemos tratado de dar un paso al costado. Volver a retomar esa vida rutinaria, citadino y hasta cierto…

  • Del lado de la ventana siempre

    Me considero un amante de poder ver cómo pasa el tiempo, siempre del lado de la ventana, del ver nacer y morir una hoja. Del cambio de las estaciones en las ciudades. A muchas personas les aterra verse al espejo y ver transcurrir todo ese tiempo. Siempre del lado de la ventana Supongo que por…

  • 7 razones para vivir en la Ciudad de México

    Toda mi vida he vivido en La Ciudad de México. Es una ciudad que amas u odias. Pero al final siempre encuentras aquel espacio de paz entre tanto bullicio de estrés. Cada uno tiene sus razones para vivir en la Ciudad de México. Aunque también es cierto que todos en algún momento aman las miles de actividades…

  • The Juno was known only for her comfortable cabins amidships

    The only sign of commercial activity within the harbour, visible from the beach of the Great Isabel, is the square blunt end of the wooden jetty which the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company (the O.S.N. of familiar speech) had thrown over the shallow part of the bay soon after they had resolved to make of Sulaco…

  • There were three doors in the front of the house

    You go in at once, Giorgio, she directed. “One would think you do not wish to have any pity on me—with four Signori Inglesi staying in the house.” “Va bene, va bene,” Giorgio would mutter. He obeyed. The Signori Inglesi would require their midday meal presently. He had been one of the immortal and invincible…

  • Simple Blog — Modern Blog Theme for Creators

    The mob, driven away from the Custom House, had broken up into several bands, retreating across the plain in the direction of the town. The subdued crash of irregular volleys fired in the distance was answered by faint yells far away. In the intervals the single shots rang feebly, and the low, long, white building…

  • Then Signora Teresa, all in black, issuing from another door

    Meantime Giorgio, with tranquil movements, had been unfastening the door; the flood of light fell on Signora Teresa, with her two girls gathered to her side, a picturesque woman in a pose of maternal exaltation. Behind her the wall was dazzlingly white, and the crude colours of the Garibaldi lithograph paled in the sunshine. Old…

  • 14 back-to-school life hacks

    The mob, driven away from the Custom House, had broken up into several bands, retreating across the plain in the direction of the town. The subdued crash of irregular volleys fired in the distance was answered by faint yells far away. In the intervals the single shots rang feebly, and the low, long, white building…

  • Collection of great B&W photos around the world

    It might have been said that there he was only protecting his own. From the first he had been admitted to live in the intimacy of the family of the hotel-keeper who was a countryman of his. Old Giorgio Viola, a Genoese with a shaggy white leonine head—often called simply “the Garibaldino” (as Mohammedans are…